Tuesday, 6 April 2021

How to do Effective Agile Sprint Planning

Sprint planning meeting is a significant agile scrum event and must be conducted with utmost sincerity. It is not a “me too” event. Never do it just because it is prescribed by the scrum framework.

The general understanding of a sprint planning meeting is to plan the set of tasks that will be carried out as part of the sprint, assign tasks to the scrum team and set due dates etc.

It is just a very small part. The key idea and benefits of Sprint planning sessions are far more strategic than tactical.

At a high level you must cover the following aspects:

  • Define the sprint goal
  • Pick or prioritize the user stories that will be part of the sprint
  • User story estimation and story sizing
  • Task breakdown
  • Bug fixes
  • Adopt inputs from previous sprint retrospectives as applicable
  • Review and agree on the definition of done

Define the Sprint Goal                                                     

As part of the 2020 Scrum update, Sprint goal has gained further significance. Hence, defining and ensuring the team understands the sprint goal and how it contributes to the overall product roadmap and goal is a must. 


Read the full article at Orangescrum blog

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