Wednesday 14 April 2021

5 Red Flags Your Time Tracking Costs Productivity

Are you under the notion of being a workaholic since the lack of time takes a toll on your work? With changing dynamics in the digital age, time tracking has served to be an advantageous affair to both, employers and employees.

What boosts your productivity depends on the set of priorities. Not only this but also the right time tracking software must suit your company’s requirements and goals.

Why is Time tracking important in Organizations?

Given that Project Management is a heavy responsibility, the benefits you gain from time tracking with project management tools have a greater edge. That said, defining the deadlines, delegating tasks, and analyzing the results are three main cornerstones that make Project Management a prime weapon to achieve a higher ROI.

Micro-management is a term that’s long forgotten because it’s nearly impossible to keep a tab on every task assigned without a tool.

Read the full article at Orangescrum blog

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