Wednesday, 4 March 2020

How Project Management Tools Enable Improved Customer Experiences and Relationships

Customer Experience (CX) & relationship are crucial business drivers. Also, they are the most significant stakeholders of your project management initiatives.

On the other hand, internal team management is equally important. And as a business owner you will often find yourself pulled in opposite directions. 

Striking balance between your customers and delivery teams (PMs, dev & engg. teams, vendors, service providers, contractors etc.) is a tough job. 

One that requires significant collaboration and transparent communication with equal attention.
A common mistake by most agencies is not focusing enough on their customer engagement and relationship management

“Once the project is signed off, they tend overly inwards. They focus on delivering without relevant touchpoints with the client. And most of the communication is until at the end of the project or till something goes south!”

This is exactly what you should NOT do. Ever!

Smart teams and successful agencies use project management & collaboration tools to bring both their clients and teams together on one platform. 

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