Monday, 19 February 2018

How to Create Custom Workflow in Project Management App Orangescrum

A workflow consists of a sequence of actions needed to complete a task or a project. A workflow reflects the working culture of your team or organization or a set process you need to follow for certain activities and projects.

Workflow management is all about the setup, performance, and monitoring of a defined sequence of processes and tasks, with the broad goals of increasing productivity, reducing costs, becoming more agile, and improving information exchange within an organization.

There is no certain rule to create a workflow. One must consider stakeholder inputs, the objective and current processes to define a robust workflow. Always try to keep your workflow simple and effective.

Here are few common workflows used by Organizations

  • Web Development Workflow
  • Product Development Workflow
  • Lead Generation Workflow
  • Content Management Workflow
  • Marketing Workflow
  • Training Workflow
  • Applicant Tracking Workflow
  • Bug Tracking Workflow
Is it necessary to have a workflow?

As I said, it is not mandatory to have a workflow, but it is good to have standard workflows across your Organization for specific activities. And almost all organizations have their own per-defined procedures. A well –defined workflow gives clear information about the status of a task or project & real time indication of who’s responsible for the task and keeps everyone on the same page.

In Orangescrum, you can create your own custom workflow as per your own project requirements. You can have flow for each project individually or have one common flow across projects.

How to create a custom workflow in Orangescrum? 

To create custom workflow in Orangescrum;
  • Login to Orangescrum
  • Navigate to left menu panel and click on Add-ons
  • Click on Workflow Mgmt.

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